What is water baptism and why is it important?
At Motion Church we believe that baptism is a public declaration of an inward confession, meaning, after you ask Jesus to be the Lord and savior of your life (inward) you get baptized to show the change that just took place in your heart (outward). Baptism symbolizes us taking part in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Romans 6:4 says: “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father, we too may live a new life.” Because of this we baptize people by fully immersing them in water. Going under the water symbolizes Jesus death, being put in the tomb, and coming out of the water symbolizes Jesus’ resurrection. Please watch this video (mandatory prior to registration):
There are so many reasons to get baptized; but here are some of the most important
Jesus Commands Us To (Matt. 28:18-20)
Jesus Was Baptized (Matt. 3:13-17)
It Pleases God (Matt. 3:17)
It is how we identify with Jesus’ death and resurrection in our own life (Rom. 6:4)
Children & Baptism
At Motion Church we believe that it is the parents responsibility, privilege, and decision as to when their child is ready to be baptized. The bible refers to the “age of accountability” in which a child becomes accountable to God in regards to their personal relationship with Him. This is not a literal age so much as the level of maturity and understanding of who Jesus is to them personally in their life, and an appropriate understanding of the bible and bible teachings.
If you feel as though your child might not be ready to get baptized we recommend Child Dedications; which is simply an opportunity for one of our pastors to pray a blessing over you and your child, and for you as a parent to publicly commit to raising your child in the things of the Lord.
Frequently Asked Questions
When and where are Baptisms?
Baptisms are approximately once every two months at our Puyallup, South Hill, and Bonney Lake Campuses. A limited number of Baptisms will be conducted for Puyallup and South Hill Campus, immediately following service.
What does the day of baptism look like?
On the day of Baptism, we request that you are present at the campus 30 minutes prior to service to check-in. Inquire in the lobby for the check-in location.
Register upcoming baptisms:
April 13, 2025
click below at your weekend campus
Additional Questions?
If you have any additional questions, you may contact us at connect@motionstaff.com or call us 253-848-9111.