Mission Statement
We exist for the purpose of loving God and loving People.
We strive to create a culture in which people can find God, discover their gifts and use them for Him.
We continually use innovative ways by which people can connect to other people in a family environment.
We present the Gospel message in a way that seekers become believers, believers become disciples, disciples become teachers, and teachers lead this process.
We know and are known by our community.

We value the word of God
From Genesis to Revelation, we believe that God's word has relevant answers for today's tough questions.
(Hebrews 4:12 NIV)
We value love
In Loving God and Loving People, love must drive everything we do. From recreation to confrontation the motive of all actions is love.
(Luke 10:27 NLT)
We value small groups
Our mission is to connect and relate everyone.
(Acts 2:42 NIV)
We value people
We believe every person is a gift and has gifts to be utilized by God. Every person is a minister because ministry is who we are, not what we do.
(Ephesians 4:11-12 NIV)
We value leadership development
We help Seekers to become Believers, Believers to become Disciples and Disciples to become Teachers. We want to encourage and cheer the development process.
(Matthew 28:19-20 NLT)
We value a commitment of excellence
Jesus Christ gave His very best at the cross; we can give no less.
(Colossians 3:23 NLT)
We value evangelism
We will invest time and resources to help seekers find God. We will use conventional and unconventional means to reach the lost at any cost.
(Luke 19:10 NIV)
We value balance
On a cultural spectrum of A through Z, we operate at M to achieve balance in order to reach the broadest range of people.
(Philippians 4:5 KJV)
We value the attitude of servitude
We want to imitate the example of Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 20:28 NLT)
We value submission to authority
To the degree we are submitted is the degree that we will lead.
(Hebrews 13:17 NIV)